Wednesday, July 27, 2011

gluten-free log, hour 46

Gluten is probably my favorite food group (next to bacon). So last October, when a naturopathic doctor suggested I go gluten-free to improve my thyroid function, I died a little inside. If that was the cost of being healthy, I'd take my chances side-by-side with wheat products.

But my very knowledgeable and highly-esteemed friend Jennifer (of Temo and Jennifer) is very adamant that gluten is not good for anyone to eat, especially people with hypothyroidism. For a while, I used my fancy selective hearing that my mom has always accused me of having, but there is scary research all over the interwebs. Granted, internet information should always be taken with a grain of salt (much like the naturopath, who prescribed me $8 sugar pills for panic attacks), but I don't have health insurance and my complaints seem to be going in one ear and out the other when I manage to get in to a doctor. So I'm taking matters into my own hands. I can do that.

Surprisingly, cutting out gluten doesn't seem to be as impossible as I previously thought. Fortunately for me, I have not been diagnosed with celiac, so eggs and dairy are still viable options. And, in Portland, gluten-free substitutes are everywhere (except at Ken's Artisan Pizza and Pine State Biscuits). Also, relying once again on my trusty friend, the interwebs, I've discovered a treasure trove of GF recipes at The Gluten-Free Goddess. (Yeah, I purposely linked to the cupcake section there.)

Unfortunately, I made this decision on Monday afternoon, before allowing myself time to 1) rid my home and office of gluteny foods, and 2) stock up on GF things to eat. I also made the mistake of getting a little drunk at happy hour last night and found my resolve whittled down to its very last shred. How I managed to avoid that Maple Bacon Bar, I will never know.

In conclusion, if this doesn't work I am going right back to gluten with my tail between my legs, and I will beg its forgiveness. Because there is no sense in being tired all the time AND craving wheat. But in the meantime, if anyone has any other great gluten-free tips, please share them! I've got two boxes of quinoa flour to use up.

(I don't like posting blog entries without photos, so here you go.)

1 comment:

  1. Almond and oat flour are also gluten free if I remember correctly.
