Wednesday, July 13, 2011

happy surprises!

Ok, this one is a little late, so some of the mystery has worn off. But my enthusiasm has not! I came home from Seattle on July 4th to a box in front of my door, with three little plant starters in it - two species of jasmine with very scientific names, and one leafy vine plant marked "bonus" that I can only assume is a bonus. I spent the rest of that night trying to puzzle out who would know to send me jasmine plants. Just before falling asleep that night, in one of those moments of clarity (you know, like when you suddenly understand the meaning of life, or that you left the stove on), I pieced it together: it was Heather, who had drawn up planter diagrams for my windowsill just a few weeks earlier. It seems that Heather, aside from being as much of a Lush addict as I am (or perhaps more?) is also a plant aficionado. And she knew exactly what types of plants I was seeking next.

Last night I noticed I had a little blossom, but today I found it on the ground! What's up with you, jasmine?

It's still got a couple more little buds on it, though.

The two jasminums together. I can't recall the scientific names off the top of my head, and they are outside, so...

While we are talking about plants, lots of flowers are sprouting up on my tomatoes! Perhaps soon I will have salsa. Will I be able to eat my plant babies, though? Only time will tell.

And, just because I want to link to Clark and Angie's wedding photos, here is Heather and I, immortalized forever. I'm the one not showing any teeth (imagine that). And she's right next to me!

Thanks, Heather. These plants are the best surprise.

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