Wednesday, May 11, 2011

my knitspiration

I've blogged before (that whiny teenage LiveJournal garbage), but the person who really inspired me to start an adult-ish blog about my knitting, interests and pursuits was Ann Weaver. (Okay, okay, credit where credit is due: Rachel Red Lips had a big hand in this too.)

I think I've read almost every blog entry of Ann's, which goes to show I am either 1) really bored or b) super interested. I think it's b. Ann shares most of her patterns for free on, and she just published a book. A book! She is a normal person with an everyday life who knits like a champ (I don't know where she finds the time to crank out all her projects), designs amazing, easy-to-follow patterns, and has a book. And she is crazy cute. When I am having "knitter's block" (not a real thing), I can look at her Flickr and cure it.

Ann Weaver, thanks for being my knitting hero.

Here are some pictures that make me happy. All credit for everything goes to Ann Weaver, whose blog and Flickr you should be checking out anyway.

Everybody Knows:  Side view
I love her androgynous style. I find too many knitting patterns are too lacy, frilly and feminine, or too shapeless and boxy. Ann strikes a nice balance with good shape, yet flattering fit on slender ladies.

Grellow 2-ply Corriedale
Hand-spun yarn! So beautiful.

Oranje with Providence in the background
My next project, as soon as I can acquire this fantastic wool/cashmere yarn in awesome bright-ass orange. An Ann Weaver design!

Giles Deacon inspiration + 1.5 pounds of roving + 1 broomstick sawed in half  = successful SCARF experience

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